Ben at six months old:
- 16 pounds 12.5 ounces (25th percentile)
- 25.5 inches tall (25th percentile)
- head circumference of 18.5 inches (still 100th percentile)
- Sleeps from 9pm-8am, usually without any feedings
- Is holding his head up and rolling around
- Thinks Jack is the funniest person in the world
- Loves his Baby Einstein playmat and all the hanging toys
- Chews on his hands non-stop and occasionally gets a foot in there
- No teeth yet, but he is definitely working on some
- Had his first baby rice cereal, I am quite certain it all came back out his mouth
- Talks all the time, he has the sweetest voice
- Is the happiest baby in the world!
We had a big photo shoot to celebrate his six month birthday, so I thought I would share some of the pics!