We are 24-hours post-op! Yesterday was much better than I had initially expected when we saw him. I was able to feed him within an hour after he got to the PICU and he kept everything down. He took a good, long nap in my arms. I am not sure if it was better for me or for him!
We have had so many wonderful nurses since we have been here. Our nurse last night became a nurse because her son had open-heart surgery at 10 days old. Needless to say, she was very sympathetic to what we are going through as parents. We are so grateful for all of the wonderful people who have helped us along the way.
I managed to sleep pretty well in the recliner (which doesn't recline) in our room. J.P. stayed at the hotel and got a good night sleep so he can be Superdad again today! The night was so much better than I had anticipated.
Overnight Ben's hemoglobin levels decreased, so he is getting a blood transfusion as I write this. They said any adverse reactions would happen within 15 minutes, which we have surpassed. Dr. Genecov was surprised that his levels were so low because he looked nice and pink and seemed very happy. They tested his blood 3 times to make sure he really needed it, and all 3 came back about the same.
In about an hour we will move up to the pediatric floor. Dr. Genecov said if everything goes well the rest of the day we may be able to go home (to the hotel) this afternoon. Wouldn't that be amazing!? I am trying not to get my hopes up, but it sure would nice to sleep in a real bed tonight and drive home tomorrow.
We have been so overwhelmed with love and support! I can not thank everyone enough for all of the encouragement and prayers. We are so blessed! I will update again soon.
I am so glad he is doing so well. It doesn't seem right that they are talking sending him home already. That's great that there is even that possibility. Thank you for blogging about this. It's helping me prepare. Of course, Ben is doing remarkably well, that's got to be above normal. OF course the cranio mommies have said these ones amaze us.